Rabu, 15 Desember 2010

tugas bahasa inggris (t.i c)

insert picture : to insert the picture in the text

color            : to gives color to the letters and writings

more contrast : added the value of contrast on the image or photo

less contrast : reduce the value of contrast on the image or photo

more brightness : added the value of brightness on the image or photo

less brightness : reduce the value of brightness on the image or photo

crop : to crop the picture or photo

compress picture : to adjust the picture or photo size 

text wrapping : to wrap text whit graphics or photos

set tranparant color : to set the tranparant color to a picture or photo

reset picture : to set the picture or photo back to its original size

jika ingin memakai kata" sendiri juga gpp... kan ini cman saran..
sapa tau aja ada yg mau sama seperti aku...hehehe...

Jangan lupa di follow  and coment yaaah blog nya...hehehe...

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